The Westwood Academy

Careers Programme Information

Careers Learning Journey


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Who are we?

Mrs Linsell – KMAT Careers Lead                                

Mrs Florance – Careers Advisor

Ms Massey- Careers Administrator                   

Twa careers team

Mrs Florance and Mrs Linsell


Where are we?

Next door to main reception under the covered seating area.


How can we help you?

KMAT’s Careers Service includes:

  • Individual advice and guidance on choosing GCSEs, A-Levels, T-Levels, BTECs, Degrees and Apprenticeships
  • Individual advice and guidance on career options, skills and qualifications
  • Next step advice on Sixth Form and College
  • Career Action Plans
  • CV check appointments
  • Mock Interviews and Interview Preparation Advice
  • A dedicated careers department
  • A well-stocked and up-to-date Careers Library with a range of information sources
  • Books, posters, HE & FE prospectuses, Apprenticeship information, regular careers bulletin.
  • Information, competitions, careers events, displays and more!


How can I get in touch?

Appointments for one-to-one personal guidance sessions will be sent out to students.

All students are welcome to call in at breaktimes and lunchtimes, Monday – Thursday (Careers department will be available most times, although sometimes staff will be out at meetings/events)

Ask your teacher to arrange an appointment for you.

Or email the careers staff:  Mrs Florance

                                            Mrs Linsell