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Schools and Colleges will find that embedding curriculum learning to careers enables students to connect the classroom learning, to the touchpoints for skills and employer contact over the course of their school and college experience. Developing a coherent rationale for embedding careers in subject learning will enrich the delivery and provide the students with real life examples of application and purpose.
The school careers office can help with any resources or information needed.
Gatsby Benchmark 4
Careers and Enterprise Company Resources with hyperlinks to subject specific areas
My Learning, My Future is a suite of Benchmark 4 resources to support subject teaching staff, from over 20 subjects at KS3 & 4, to engage students in curriculum learning by highlighting the relevance of their subjects to future careers and opportunities.
The aim of the resources is for students to see the relevance and value of subject curriculum teaching and learning and to be explicitly supported in making connections between subjects and pathways to positive transitions.
Careerpilot developed a set of suggested activities to help subject teachers use Careerpilot to incorporate careers into their lessons.
Each activity sheet links with a curriculum theme and the activities take no longer than 20 minutes.
There is also a spreadsheet with hyperlinks with updated resources for each subject areas under Staff resources on the Sharepoint.
Other useful websites for workplace skills (CVs, interview techniques, employment and FE opportunities etc)
Barclays LifeSkills is a free employability programme that supports people throughout the UK to develop the confidence, skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workplace. Our educator content is designed to support a range of roles and settings - whether you work with young people or adults, in a classroom or job centre, one to one or with groups. Looking for a quick start to the programme? Check out our handy delivery guides for those working with ages 11-24
Free resources for careers teaching
Free classroom resources have been designed for teachers but can be easily adapted for use outside school.
Official government website to provide careers information, advice and guidance and help make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages.
Marketed as a springboard into the job market for school and college leavers.
Financial information and life skills for students and school leavers.
Free unlimited access to skills-based digital courses, tools and opportunities that will help students shape their future careers and stand out from the crowd (requires sign up)
Please liaise with Sophie Florance (careers) regarding any workplace visits, or encounters with employers and higher education, so this can be added to Compass Plus towards school monitoring and evaluation.
(Compass Plus is a new tool from The Careers & Enterprise Company which helps benchmark, manage, track and report on the school's careers programme.)