Behaviour, Attendance & Welfare - Key Information - The Westwood Academy

Behaviour, Attendance & Welfare

Attending school every day is vitally important to help you to get the most out of school. Excellent attendance will ensure you can achieve all of your goals and aspirations. However we recognise that there may be times when you are unwell    and will not be able to attend school. If this happens please ensure your parent/carer contacts school on the first day of your absence by contacting Student Reception and leaving a message or by speaking directly to the Attendance Officer.


Punctuality is equally important, both in terms of arriving at school and being on time for lessons. Mentor time starts at 8:45am and your registration mark for the morning will be taken during mentor time. Afternoon registration mark will take place in period 4 straight after lunch at 1:10. If you are late to registration or lessons then your mentor or teachers will mark you as late on the register. If you are persistently late then you may end up with a detention.

Being on time for lessons and mentor time also shows you have respect  for your class colleagues and teaching staff and is part of the PRIDE agenda.

Signing Out

If for any reason you need to leave school during the school day, for example a hospital appointment, you must inform your mentor so that they can appropriately mark the school register. You must also wait at Student Reception for your parent or carer to collect you. Please try and make medical and dental appointments for the end of the school day if you can.

If you are ill or you have an accident you must tell an adult immediately, either your Mentor, class teacher or your APPL, who will assess you and contact your parents on your behalf – please do not contact your parents yourself.

Under no circumstances are you allowed to leave school for any reason without permission.