Reporting and Assessment

Rewarding & Reporting your Progress

At The Westwood Academy we want you to take pride in your success and to share with us your interests and achievements out of school.  We have an e-rewards merit system where teachers reward you with merit marks for good work and effort, which lead to termly prizes and merit badges, once a year there is also a very special Awards Ceremony for our very best achievers.

Your parents will also want to know how you are getting on.  There will be opportunities throughout the year for them to meet and talk to your Mentor and subject teachers; the first one is usually a ‘Settling in Evening’ in November.  Every year they will receive a detailed report on each subject you are studying. We also use an online system called ‘My Child at School, which means that parents can see how you are doing during the school day, for example they can check that you have attended every lesson by checking online registers.


We use an online system for informing you and your parents about homework, this system is called Show my Homework and it is a really simple system to use, we can upload your homework to Show My Homework and we can add in videos, quizzes and other exciting extras to make doing homework really fun. Homework is really important and must always be handed in on time. In addition to regular homework we also use Extended Learning Projects – more about this below;